Friday, July 23, 2010

Knitting With My Daughter.....

Teagan knitting on the hat
Originally uploaded by wendymc
Teagan learned to knit about a year ago, and has shown a little interest here and there, but not really stuck with it. I think it's just so slow to progress into something, and still requires a lot of focus and effort for her. Recently she told me the bus driver for her afterschool care program was expecting, and I saw they had bonded well. I suggested she and I knit a baby hat together to give her, and she was pretty excited.

I did more of the knitting, but Teagan did quite a lot as well. I would knit a couple rounds, then give it to her for upwards of a round. She even learned to purl on this project! The end result was great, and the woman was thrilled to receive it. (probably almost as thrilled as my daughter was to give it!)

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