I've been working away at designing something. Focussing on making the pattern workable, keeping the sizing adjustable with the math, all the things you need to do when you are designing a pattern, because I wanted to submit it to
Knitty. I ran out of time for the Spring issue but my idea was fairly summery so I didn't worry, I was going to submit it for the next round. I was finally nearing completion when the current Knitty issue came out. The current issue of Knitty has an item that is extremely close to what I was working on. Actually, it's better, more what I WANTED to do but my limited experience made difficult. My pattern would be too close, it would look like I copied this other designer's great pattern, with a mediocre one that was only slightly different. **sigh** very sad times for me.
So I have set that project aside and just focussed insead on a large afghan I'm working on. I'm really enjoying the afghan pattern, so I'm feeling less sad about knitting now :)