Tuesday, September 03, 2002

I had a great weekend away. It was so relaxing and fun to just "get away". We really need to do that more. Knit-wise, the trip didn't go well though. I screwed up on the socks, dropping a couple stitches somewhere that I COULD not find. So I think I will have to rip it out yet again. I'm starting to consider abandoning toe-up patterns for now and just doing a plain old ankle-down pattern. What do you think?

I also didn't find any yarn stores. Because we were on a tight schedule trying to get to the wedding, then getting back to Victoria so I could be at work again today, we didn't have a lot of shopping time. We tried to chase down one yarn shop in Vancouver on Monday, but when we got there it was closed. In better news, I am expecting a knitting book I ordered last week to come today or tomorrow. I ordered The Knitter's Stash from chapters.ca. My husband needed to order a book from there anyways for school, so I decided to splurge. This will be the first knitting book I will OWN as opposed to borrowed library books and patterns from the net. I'm excited. There are a lot of patterns I like from that book, mostly for stuff for myself, haha!

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